> weitere domainnamen
Weitere Domains / Domainnamen
1.) | | |
2.) | akademische-stellenbö | Jobbörse |
3.) | | |
4.) | festspielhä | Festspielhaus |
5.) | gedä | Gedächtnistraining |
6.) | hotels-ö | Hotel Österreich |
7.) | hürdenlä | Hürdenläufer |
8.) | jä | Jägerbedarf |
9.) | kornmü | Kornmühle |
10.) | kostü | Kostümbildner |
11.) | kö | Köln |
12.) | kölner-verbä | Köln |
13.) | kölnfü | Köln |
14.) | | Rechner Appliance |
15.) | prozessor-lü | prozessorkühler |
16.) | rü | Rückenmark |
17.) | rü | Rückenmark |
18.) | schuh-verkä | Schuh |
19.) | | Videokonferenz |
20.) | sä | Sägewerk |
21.) | telefonanlagen-kö | telefonanlage |
22.) | tennis-ausrü | Tennis |
23.) | vitaliä | Lebenskraft |
24.) | | Weinstopfen |
25.) | ökosä | Öko-Säfte und ökologische Säfte |
Top Level Domains
1.) | .agakhan | generic | Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) | |
2.) | .airforce | generic | Dog Beach, LLC | |
3.) | .capetown | generic | ZA Central Registry NPC trading as ZA Central Registry | |
4.) | .dclk | generic | Charleston Road Registry Inc. | |
5.) | .expert | generic | Binky Moon, LLC | |
6.) | .fish | generic | Binky Moon, LLC | |
7.) | .gallup | generic | Gallup, Inc. | |
8.) | .gs | country-code | Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) | |
9.) | .hermes | generic | Hermes International | |
10.) | .hughes | generic | Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation | |
11.) | .liaison | generic | Not assigned | |
12.) | .love | generic | Merchant Law Group LLP | |
13.) | .moe | generic | Interlink Systems Innovation Institute K.K. | |
14.) | .mtr | generic | MTR Corporation Limited | |
15.) | .na | country-code | Namibian Network Information Center | |
16.) | .ng | country-code | Nigeria Internet Registration Association | |
17.) | .om | country-code | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) | |
18.) | .sc | country-code | VCS Pty Ltd | |
19.) | .tiaa | generic | Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America | |
20.) | .vanguard | generic | The Vanguard Group, Inc. | |
21.) | .vn | country-code | Viet Nam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) | |
22.) | ଭାରତ | country-code | National Internet eXchange of India | |
23.) | католик | generic | Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication) | |
24.) | భారత్ | country-code | National Internet Exchange of India | |
25.) | .zappos | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. |